Don sadly passed away 2nd November 2022. His music still lives on. Don’s CDs and DVDs are no longer available for sale in the online shop. In honour of his memory the videos he made over the years will be uploaded to his YouTube Channel for all to enjoy. Click on the videos link in the menu to see what is available and when it will be released. Proceeds from the chanel being donated to Don’s favourite charities. To view Don’s Music videos and listen to his music follow the links above.
Don’s songs are also available on Spotify, YouTube and other streaming services. Links will be made available in the future.
As much of this website as possible has been left in Don’s words for fans to read about the amazing people he met, the charity work he did and the music and video he produced.
Steve Woods (Don’s Son)
My song “How To Say Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogoch” sung by my pal Paul Damian is fast approaching 2.8 million hits on YouTube…so if you want to learn to say it and impress the world go on the tube and type in “How To Say Llanfair P.G. Paul Damian”……if you can sing it you can say it.
A selection of my songs have now been placed digitally on line and can be found via Google
My dear friend Angie McCartney has sent me a photograph taken at the wedding of her stepson Mike which I was at….it was a special picture because it included me with Mike and brother Paul…..I have never seen the photo until now….and here it is

The photo was taken back in the 80s by photographer Ray Conn and needless to say I am delighted to eventually see it… so many thanks to Ray and Angie for making my day…
The Cheshire Cats were delighted to present a second cheque for £3000 to Claire House Children’s Hospice….we have made many donations over the years and will continue to do so……..well done to all the bands and the helpers….we meet every Wednesday at The Poulton Vics Sports and Social Club in Wallasey….check us out on our website www.thecheshirecats.co.uk and on our Facebook page (type in The Cheshire Cats)

Here we are presenting the cheque to the lovely Cora…I was joined by Phil Moy.Stevie Davies and Derek Green from the organisation

We also made a donation of £1500 to The Wirral Development Trust who organise meals and activities for young kiddies……

Nice to make a difference…
It’s now available to all you grappling fans!!!

21 original wrestling songs taken from the two albums I wrote and produced for The Exotic One…..on one CD!!…..not for the faint hearted…..it’s a rough ride!!….sensibly priced on the Shop section …..(click on CDs)….a perfect collectors item.
Had the Krankies on to me….they require a Xmas song for their Panto in Glasgow….which they do each year…..the song will be used in a sketch where Janette plays Kim Jong-un and Ian plays Donald Trump…..they are hilarious on and off stage and very easy to write songs for.
This was November 7th 2008…….the first concert with James Burton…the first of eight over the next 10 years

…This is 7th November 2018….exactly 10 years to the night….at The Cheshire Cats jam night …where myself and Derek Green invited Mike White along (as he was part of the original show) and we played some of the Ricky Nelson hits featured in the original show…it was a real pleasure….great memories…

….Mike,Me and Deggsy……..check us out on www.thecheshirecats.co.uk
The Cheshire cats were delighted to donate £1000 to a local fundraising organisation called The Jack Daley Histio Fund which raises money in aid of histiocytosis which is a rare cancer which developes in children…

….here’s Jack receiving our cheque….the money will go to Histio UK….young Jack is a member of The Soccer Dome in Wirral…they can be checked out on their website www.soccerdome.biz if you fancy making a donation details can be obtained from play@soccerdome.biz
The Cheshire Cats are always glad to know rock and roll can make a difference …check us out www.thecheshirecats.co.uk
We were delighted to welcome Chan Romero and his band who were our guests at The Cheshire Cats….Chan wrote “Hippy Hippy Shake” which has been performed and recorded by so many bands….I had a chance to chat with him about his early days in rock and roll where he mixed with the likes of Jerry Lee and Elvis….

…what a delightful chap and a privilege to know….a true legend…loved him.
It was a pleasure and a privilege to present a cheque for £2000 on behalf of The Cheshire Cats to the wonderful Liverpool Women’s Hospital which will help towards the marvellous work they do on behalf of babies and their young mums.

…here are some of the wonderful staff who selflessly make a massive difference to so many lives…The Cheshire Cats and I salute you ladies…I can’t thank you enough….
The Cheshire Cats were delighted to present a cheque for £3000 to our local children’s hospice Claire House…nice to be able to make a difference.

…here’s myself and Phil Moy presenting the money to Loren on behalf of all the musicians and supporters of the Cheshire Cats who meet up every Wednesday and deliver rock and roll to an enthusiastic crowd….all money raised goes to local charities for sick and underprivileged kids……check us out on www.thecheshirecats.co.uk

Back in the 80’s I wrote and produced an album of wrestling songs for wrestler Adrian Street….this has recently been re-released in The U.S. in it’s original state except it is now on clear vinyl with blood splatterings …also on CD AND cassette….I knew it would come back to haunt me one day……this album is available from Burger Records…
…I actually produced two albums for Adrian “Shake Wrestle and Roll” and “Naughty But It’s Nice”….I have put all the songs from both albums on to one complete CD ….in fact every song we recorded together…21 in all…The Complete Exotic Adrian and The Piledrivers …NOT for the fainthearted but a collectors item for grappling fans……. copies are available for his admirers from the “SHOP” section of this website As I said this item is NOT for the faint hearted …NOT for the politically correct brigade…NOT for the easily offended….it is raw pure classic Adrian !!!….21 original tracks…unbeatable!! certain tracks have been featured on MTV in The States and in the film “Grunt – The Wrestling Movie”…

Every week I do a podcast with my pal Vince Tracy who broadcasts from Benidorm in Spain….we chat and rant about the news in general …to hear the latest ones google “Vince Tracy Don Woods”….and click on the latest podcast

for past podcasts Google “vince tracy don woods”
Check Vince out on www.vincetracy.com lots of great entertainment.
Click here to see the personalities I have had the pleasure to know and work with.